Thursday 19 October 2017

Personal Practice Statement of Intent

My Main aim for this module is to make the jump from education into the real world as smooth as possible. I want to utilise my time in this creative environment as much as possible whilst I still have it. I suppose the aim with any illustrator is to put their name out there and get commissioned, ultimately to make money. That is a big focus for me but at the moment I am more concerned about developing my practical skills and making professional looking illustrations that I am happy to show to people.
For the past two years my practice has been bit all over the place really, it seems that every piece I make is completely different and I don't really know what I am trying to communicate with my work and what its trying to say. I realise I am still a student and that is the whole point, experimentation. But I feel like now is the time to really start developing my visual signature so people can recognise my work without my name put next to it.
I often struggle with self confidence, especially in my work, so another goal is to start believing in myself and my ability. This might sound minor and simple but its quite a challenge for me. I look at other artists work and admire how good it is and then look at my own and feel rubbish. So I'm going to try and stop looking so much about what other people are doing and concentrate on developing my own practice

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