Thursday 19 November 2015

OUIL 403 End of Module Final Evaluation

End of Module Self Evaluation
Joe Baker

1. Which practical skills and methodologies have you developed within this module and how effectively do you think you are employing them within your own practice?

I have developed a few skills and methods of working during this first module. One of the main skills, which has improved quite a lot that I can think of, is my ability to draw figures from observation. To be honest, I haven’t yet put this to use properly within the visual skills module as I haven’t chosen any themes which involve people, except the book cover brief although I chose to draw them in a cartoon style. I have always been interested in drawing things of an organic nature, such as people and animals, so this skill will defiantly keep getting practiced and will be put to good use. My skills on Photoshop have improved slightly but this is certainly something I need to work on, as there is still a lot I don’t know. My final book cover was predominantly Photoshop work so I believe I could have made it look better if my skills were more advanced.

2. Which principles / theories of images making have you found most valuable during this module and how effectively do you think you are employing these within your own practice? 

One of the most valuable things I have been taught so far is the importance of line quality and how it can transform a piece of illustration. Another thing I have realised is that more often than not, simplicity can be much more effective than complicated; I have tried to demonstrate this in my work. Maybe not in the Typology brief but in the second two, I tried to make my designs as simple as possible but still making them interesting and eye catching with a sense of narrative.

3. What strengths can you identify within your submission and how have you capitalised on these?

I believe I have demonstrated my ability to work with a range of media. I have shown this by doing my final pieces for each brief in different medias such as pencil drawings, ink with brushes and digitally on Photoshop. Similarly, I have shown that I don’t just work in one style. For the first brief I tried doing detailed yet expressive pencil sketches, where as in the second two, I went for a more cartoon/ characterised approach.

4. What areas for further development can you identify within your submission and how will you address these in future?

There are certainly a few things I need to improve on in my future modules. Two of these are more research, and much more sketchbook development with different medias and ideas. I will try and solve these problems by managing my time better, avoiding procrastination and staying motivated from start to finish of the brief, so I am not rushing everything all at once, days before the deadline. Another thing within my work I want to improve, is putting more of a meaning behind my drawings, I think this will come with time and practice.

5. In what way has this module introduced you to the Ba (Hons) Illustration programme?

This module has given me a taste of what to expect in the coming months. It has made me realise that the quality and quantity of work that is expected is very high. The standard of work amongst my peers is excellent and I now know that there is some real competition within the class. At the same time I have noticed everyone taking great interest in each other’s work and ideas, almost working as a team to complete the tasks. I have also realised how intense the course is, I am aware that this is the first module and that it is only going to get worse. It has made me quite anxious about the future and I am unsure whether I will be able to cope.

6. How would you grade yourself on the following areas:








Quantity of work produced

Quality of work produced

Contribution to the group


Sunday 25 October 2015

What do I want to know? Why am I going to do?

1.      Is there much emphasis on typography during the course?

-          This is something I have a particular interest in and hope that I will be able to develop and use in my career.

2.      Are there any techniques that are more important or useful than others when looking at future career prospects?

-          This will help me to know which I need to concentrate on.

3.      What are the trends in the different techniques in illustration? What is the trend at the moment and what are future trends looking like?

-          Again this will be helpful when looking forward

4.      What are the opportunities for work placements and what experience can I expect to gain from them?

-          I feel that this would give a true idea of how working as an illustrator would be.

5.      What opportunities exist to visit professional illustrators’ studios to see how they work?

-          Again as above it would help me understand a career in illustration.

6.      What steps do I need to take to become a professional illustrator?

-          Even though this is some time off I do feel that it would be useful to know in order to plan ahead.

7.      What is the best route; employment by an established company or self-employed?

-          This would help me understand the best entry point.

8.      In the future, how will I raise my profile professionally, so that I start to become known as a good illustrator?

-          This will help me make a successful living.

9.      Do I need to be prepared to have a diversified approach to my career e.g. illustrating books, designing logos, teaching, writing articles etc.?

-          This will help me prepare for the various challenges which I could face in a future career.

10.  How successful are LCA students in becoming illustrators.

-          I am interested to know how successful the college is in  producing the right people to take advantage of job opportunities.

How will I find the answers to each question?

-          Tutorial and speaking to my tutors.

-          Check on internet, social media etc

-          Reading relevant articles

Sunday 11 October 2015

Who am I? Why am i here?

5 reasons why I chose Illustration

·         Always had a keen interest in art and design and have spent a lot of time drawing from my imagination to create images.

·         My choice was influenced by my interest in designs and logos on skateboards, clothing, shoes etc.

·         I was very much influenced by artists I studied and admired during my A levels. These included Si Scott and Alex Marcou who have done work for major companies such as Nike and Coca-Cola.

·         Again during my A level studies, I developed a keen interest in typography, illustration and graphics. This was reinforced throughout my foundation diploma and confirmed that this was the career path I wanted to follow.

·         During my foundation studies, I was encouraged by my Tutors to persue a career in Illustration as this is best suited to the talents which I possess.

Why I chose this course programme

·         I looked around several illustration courses and my first impression, when looking around the studios at Leeds College of Art, was that it felt to be a very friendly atmosphere and the students seemed to be happy. I felt that this was the type of environment that would suit me and that I would work well in.

·         I felt that the staff and other students were very motivated and passionate about their topic.

·         I was very impressed by the modern facilities and the fact that it is all contained within one compact building.

·         The course was recommended by my tutor during my foundation diploma.

·         The information on the website was very informative and I also knew of another student on the course who was enjoying the programme.

5 skills that are my strengths

·         I like and prefer to draw images from my imagination.

·         I believe I pay good attention to detail and enjoy producing very detailed and precise images.

·         I feel that I have a lot of patience when drawing and try to make my work the best it can be.

·         I am very keen to explore using a broader range of techniques and learn new skills and feel I can grasp new skills quickly,

·         I really enjoy using typography to produce interesting images.

5 things I want to improve

·         I need to have more confidence in discussing work with my peers.

·         Presenting within a group, as this is something that I have had very little experience of.

·         I feel that I need to improve the speed at which I work as this will be essential to meet deadlines.

·         I need to be more organised with my time and set myself limits of time that can be spent on one task. 

·         I need to have more confidence in my written work as I have had difficulties in being able to start this quickly.

Unfortunately I couldn't save the image I wanted to (the cats). So ive done a print screen instead, showing a few drawings I really like by this particular artist. 

Thursday 1 October 2015

Summer breif

A few pictures of the work I did towards the end of summer
for our summer project. Not sure how to use blogger properly yet so Im not sure if this is right.