Monday 16 May 2016

Final visual diagram

I chose to do the final drawing on a3 because I thought it would be too time consuming to draw out a full a2 picture, it took me 5 hours to get it all mapped out and drawn so any bigger would have been a nightmare.
Once id done the pencil bit I went over it with indian ink and a bursh, constantly varying the pressure of my hand to achieve some nice interesting lines, i was really happy with the drawing when id finished it.

For the colours one of my peers recommended i have a play on adobe colour picker, i found this website extremely helpful in choosing the colour pallet as colours have never been my strong point and its somthing ive only really started to like in the past few months.

I had an idea of the colours i wanted to use but i wasnt totally sure, i knew i wanted some soft pastel colours which had to include a pale blue for the background, I decided to go for the top one because i thought those colours would be more relevant to the objects within the image. On the other hand i have been trying to make my work less representational and a green dog might have looked funny
I am really pleased with how its come out, id say its the best thing ive made all year and the colours actually work really well together and dont take anything away from the drawing. One thing i could improve on is my use of shape and texture, im always looking to make my work look more hand made and less robotic so this is something i will practice over the summer. In terms of communicating the illustrated self, i think ive been fairly successful, the images is chaotic but organised abit like my life at uni. I really like the functional quality of the drawing, it allows you to look at it for a few minutes and keep noticing different things going on such as the wire connecting from the controller to the tv. One thing thats wrong with it is some of the shadows are abit off but my understanding of light and shadow has never been my strong point, i think practising observational drawings will help solve this.

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