Monday 16 May 2016

Visual Diagram roughs

I found it pretty tough thinking of things to describe myself, but i know i wanted my poster to involve figures in some way and the possibility of a scene with different things going on excited me. My initial idea was to draw a bed room with a few different versions of me all doing different things that I do on a day to day basis which informs my work.

I played around with a few different layouts and view points and decided that my favourite was the angle where you can see part of the ceiling, im not sure why i just thing it makes it look like your in the room a bit. 

I really liked the idea of having different patterns on each wall which would create the illusion of a 3 dimensional space. However i wasn't really developing this idea very much so i decided to maybe just concentrate on the figures themselves rather than the area round them.
I thought about having the figures still doing these different things but all tangled up between each other, the first rough isnt very good so i decided to change to a portrait layout to see if this had any effect.

Immediately i thought this design was much more engaging and interesting than the bedroom one, the only thing it needed was maybe a few more items relating to my mind map such as nature and animals etc.
This was my final rough before starting the proper drawing, im quite happy with the layout but i usually change things round as im drawing it, its just something ive always done

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