Monday 27 March 2017

PPP Study task 2

Editorial & Reportage
I recently completed a studio practice brief in which we were asked to design 3 editorial illustrations, and i feel i did fairly well and the final images were successful according to my peers. Although i had a bit of trouble actually coming up with the ideas and produced way less thumbnail roughs than was asked for. On the other hand i am usually pretty good and thinking up metaphors and different ways of representing things through imagery, and making things functional. I think it all depends on the breif and how easily the ideas come to you for certain things. Another thing which would effect me in these two feilds are my academic skills, which are not so good. If i was given a news paper article to read and sumerise, it would take me quiet a long time and the chances are i still wouldn't properly understand. The client would maybe have to tell me exactly what the key points of the text were, then i could decide how to depict them through drawing.

 Publishing & Book Design
In the future i would love the opportunity to illustrate a children's book or picture book. Even the cover of a magazine or cd would be fantastic. I love to draw characters and scenes, especially in nature such as a landscape full of animals and people, but as i mentioned in the previous point, i would struggle if there was a lot of stuff to read and note down before embarking on the brief at hand. Hopefully there wont be and the client could just describe exactly what they want verbally or with a through a simple email, i realize this wont always be the case and somtimes i may have to read a book or article but there is still plenty time for me to develop these skills and get more confident with them so i can feel more comfortable doing a variety of briefs.

Character & Narrative

 These are two things I can definitely link my work to and hope to create work related to these in the fututre. Especially character, I am very fond of drawing people/ figures and animals. I like this because they are enjoyable to draw and i think people can relate and connect more with images of this nature because they are living things, for example most people are animal lovers so they are more likley to have an emotional response to a drawing of colourful animal rather than a drawing of a building or a car. In terms of narrative, i definitely have a long way to go in developing my story telling skills but i often try and make my figures and scenes have a purpose/ function or give them a certain emotion so the viewer can wonder and almost work the story out for themselves.

Product & Packaging
This is another field i would be keen to work in. I haven't had much experience with products or packaging in terms of illustration or art apart from the odd project here and there in college. I think i would be capable of designing some artwork to be printed on a product or packaging because its just the same as drawing anything else, apart from the extra rules id have to take into consideration e.g. materials of product which is being printed on, or whether the packaging is being folded or not and how this could effect the visual quality of the design. As far as actually designing the product or packaging its self i think this would have to be left with someone else, i would prefer my practice to be drawing/ print based.

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