Monday 7 May 2018

Logo/ More Business card Design ideas

with my logo I wanted to achieve something charming, memorable and recognisable whilst being as simple as possible. Originally I was going to use the other chicken image as my logo because i do quite like it but then I realised logos will probably work best being monochrome so it is easly printable into multiple surfaces and colours.

I wanted it to look hand drawn and slightly humorous, I took the same idea by using a chicken but this version is just much more simple. I drew a few outlines on chickens in china marker, then chose my favourite and added my initials into the middle. I chose the chicken because I spent so long drawing so many of them and I feel like thats what people on the course might know me for drawing this year. Also because I find them funny and the outline is perfect for putting initials inside.

This is a second version with my full name on, again sticking to the handmade look, which reflects my practice. I will use both of these logos and decide which one depending on the format. Sometimes the full name will be necessary but other times just the chicken will be needed.

Considering I have changed my logo this meant it would be wise to update the business card design. 

I have kept it fun and playful, hopefully it looks like something people would want to keep and not throw away. It is simple and includes the logo and all my information on the back yet looks lighthearted and reflects my work and personality  

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