Monday 10 April 2017

First Commission - Second image

This is the design that will be printed on the back of the t shirt, as I mentioned in another post I did suggest to him maybe something a bit more abstract but he didn't seem to keen. The picture he sent me first was a very zoomed out picture of the building from a very straight front on angle, I told him that this would be very hard to copy as there were so many small details, especially if its getting printed onto a t-shirt because I need to keep it bold with not to many faint marks.

I advised that if he didn't want anything abstract, then the next best option would be to have a more zoomed in, off centre angle. I believe this looks more compositionally appealing to the eye, which he agreed with. Also to add a box round it so its not just a floating building.

This was the final drawing, done first in pencil then gone over in brush and ink. This one took me a very long time, probably around 6/7 hours all together. I started rushing it a bit towards the bottom because it was taking far too tong and I had other modules which desperately needed working on, thats why the quality and precision diminishes towards the bottom.
This is the photoshop edited version ready to be printed on a t shirt, over all I am fairly pleased with it, although it is definitely not my favourite style of art. I don't really consider this illustration, more just a detailed copy of an image, its a shame that this had to be my first ever real brief but im just glad its over and done with, and that ive now got that experience to learn from.

He has said he is very pleased with both the drawings and may be wanted some more stuff doing in the future, but im going to say to him that I will probably only be doing more contemporary naive work from now on which is the work I like

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