Sunday 14 May 2017

Responsive breifs

Penguin Design Awards
The Penguin Random House Student Design Award is an opportunity for students interested in pursuing a career in design to experience real cover design briefs first-hand.
To make the process even more similar to the way our designers work, once the judges have selected the shortlist, the Art Directors will give the shortlisted entrants feedback and further art direction on their submissions. Shortlisted entrants will then be invited to resubmit their work, taking on board all the comments, before the final round of judging.
The Penguin Random House Student Design Award is open to anyone studying on a Further Education or Higher Education course (part time or full time) in any subject and at any level. Our aim is to nurture and encourage anyone who is interested in following a career in design, which includes but is not exclusive to students on design courses. Entrants must be aged 18 or over by July 2017. The competition is open to amateur designers not currently or previously employed in the graphic design field.
Prize - £1000 and a work placement within the Penguin Random House design studios

The Book Illustration Comp.
The Book Illustration Competition is a unique partnership between House of Illustration and The Folio Society that seeks to identify and promote new talent in illustration. The annual international competition is open to illustrators over the age of 18, both student and professional, who have not been previously published by The Folio Society. Each year entrants are asked to submit three illustrations and a binding design for a book chosen by The Folio Society. The Book Illustration Competition was launched in 2011 and has received thousands of entries from over 44 countries. For more information on past competition winners go to the Previous Winners website. Copies of the books illustrated by previous winners are available to purchase from The Folio Society.

The Book Illustration Competition was launched in 2011 and has received thousands of entries from over 44 countries. For more information on past competition winners go to the Previous Winners website. Copies of the books illustrated by previous winners are available to purchase from The Folio Society.

Prize –
A highly sought-after commission, worth £5,000, to complete a total of nine illustrations and a binding design for the book, which is then published by The Folio Society. Five runners each receive £500 cash. Three prizes of the six are awarded to student entries.

D&AD Design Awards
A number of well-known brands issue their own creative briefs which you can entre, entrants must be over 18. Im not very interested in this one as the briefs aren’t necessarily related to illustration/ drawing. And I think it costs money to enter and even costs money to buy the prize, which is just a pencil shaped trophy thing. Although this is a very well-known competition so if you won or were even a runner up your work would be seen by a lot of people

Illustration Friday
A fairly popular competition where each week you are given a new word and you have to respond to this word with an illustration/ piece of art. This is one brief I will be taking part in as soon as I get time, there isn’t a prize but the winners design gets posted on the websites home page each week. I think this is a good way to get recognition and it restarts every week rather than being just one intense brief for the year like the other comps, obviously the recognition wont be the same level but its just abit of fun and if you don’t have any ideas for one of the briefs you only have to wait a week for the next one.


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