Sunday 15 April 2018

Business card design

 For my business card my aim was to create something simple, yet something that stands out and would intrigue somebody who picked it up to want to see more of my work.

It needed to communicate the way in which I draw and the skills I have, whilst representing the playful and lighthearted nature of my work.

I think the most suitable image I had is this chicken below, despite its simplicity its actually one of my favourite drawings I have produced this year. I have been on a mission to make my characters look more naive and expressive and I think this particular chicken captured that tradition perfectly. It makes me chuckle when I look at it because of the weird position its stood in and the blank expression on its face.

To accompany the chicken I took the same coloured pencils which I drew it with and wrote my name in a fairly naive and wonky way. Again to try and show the nature of my work (or at least how I want to work to be)

This was the final design, I combined the chicken and name and made them interact by having the chicken stood on top of the 'B', then surrounding the chickens I scanned in some scribbles and lines in the same colours to fill out the background and add movement to the piece. I Find the combination of the more refined shading of the chicken and the quick nature of the surrounding marks works quite well. It will also make the card more eye catching and interesting to look at.

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